Thursday, November 20, 2014

Shock and Awe - Advance Cancer Diagnosis

It's been 7 months since diagnosis and life has taken a 360. Like the valiant Don Quixote of La Mancha who saw the windmills as giants, I saw cancer not  as windmills but as the Goliath  of the medical field. As I pondered and prayed , pondered and prayed, at the end of that eventful day of diagnosis, I  identified myself as David who slew Goliath with  a sling shot and 3 smooth stones.

Shock waves ran through my physical body, my mind was numb, thought process was circular but my heart was at peace. Sitting by my neighbor's pond while attempting to absorb the shock of the news , I had the presence of mind enough to drag my camera along and here's what the camera captured and recorded.

Quiet Trust


Secret Thoughts

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