Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A portrait of GRACE

There are mornings that are simply different from all others. This morning is one of them. Coffee mug at hand and bible on the other ,I sat by my bedroom's bay window ready to meet with God. In one corner of my eye I saw a pinkish hue in the sky and I just thanked the Lord for such a  soft and tender feel of the sky. I heard the early morning forecast earlier - cloudy and 40%  chance of rain before noon....  no big deal so I went on with the more important task at hand.

No later than 15 minutes , I looked up again and the sky is now reddish purple and just could not stop looking and the next thing I knew camera, hat and jacket were already in my hands as it was still reading 30 by my indoor thermometer.

What a treat to have such a beautiful morning to start my day with after all I have not been feeling well the past 3 days.The burst of beautiful , colorful , magnificent, enormous sky was healing and the storm and rain that soon followed was cleansing. Not only did I read God's word  about GRACE , He gave me an illustration  of what grace looks like. Only God!





  1. So blessed...for you to witness, capture and share with us.

  2. It was indeed a blessing , it is my pleasure to share even if I was not able to capture all that were there , not even half of it. Does one even wonder the difference between what one sees and remembers ( human camera) and what's captured and digitalized ( mechanical camera).? Is one better than the other or vice versa? Just pondering....
