Monday, December 8, 2014

Crazy Lady out last night

The day before it was the moon that was crazy , last night much as I don't want to admit it , it was this lady that has gone crazy , perhaps moonstruck.... the hunter being hunted and haunted perhaps! Other than being sleepless last night, all is calm , all is bright.... the moonlight through the bay window just don't want to be ignored. 

This may be cliche but the outing last night reminded of the famous phrase " make a lemonade out of a lemon " . Well , I had plenty of lemons last night , enjoy the drink!  I now realize how interesting  and merciful technical errors could get . Reminds me of God's sovereignty - paraphrase of Romans 8:28 - He makes all things work for the good of those who love him.

Heart Moon

Dog Bone Moon

Wind Swept Tree Lights

Hide and Seek

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